There is one service at 11.00am
The service will be led by Stephen Taylor and will include a celebration of the missional life of DMC in 2024. Ephesians 3:14-21

There is one service this week at 11.00am and will be left by Stephen Taylor.
The service will be led by Stephen Taylor and will include the sacrament of Baptism for Liam O’Connor.
Matthew 3:13-17

There are three services:
10.00am led by Stephen Taylor
11.30am Elevate Café Style led by Steve Barry
7.00pm Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at Taney Parish.

Please Note change of time for following two weeks:
One service at 11.00am on 26th Jan and 2nd Feb.

Covenant Service
There is one service this Sunday at 11.00am, followed by lunch.

Stephen Taylor will lead the service, including Holy Communion, as we review and renew our personal covenant relationship with God in Christ.
“I am no longer my own, but yours.”