Open Door Coffee Morning | Weekly Bible Study / Courses | Forever Friends |
Indoor Bowling | Alzheimers / Dementia Social Club | Food Bank |
Badminton Club | Eco-Congregation Ireland | Dundrum Climate Vigil |

Contact us for more information
Open Door Coffee Morning
Thursday mornings 10:00 – 12:00
Tea/Coffee & home bakes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Everyone welcome!
Weekly Bible Study / Courses

We would love everyone to be involved in a Bible study group. We are starting to find our feet after the pandemic so keep a lookout for updates of groups starting. Sign up to our mailing list for Zoom links.
Tuesday Night Bible Study
This weekly adult group is for anyone who wishes to engage in Bible study and lively discussion. Tuesdays at 8pm. Currently on Zoom, New Members welcome.
Email stephen.taylor@ irishmethodist.org for more information.
Ladies Connect Group
This is a group for women aged between 25-ish and 40s. It meets fortnightly on Zoom at 8.30pm on Wednesdays.
This group is going on an Interactive journey through the Bible. New members welcome.
Email: ladiesconnectgroupdmc@ gmail.com for more information.
Young Adults Bible Study
This group is for students and young professionals.
Weekly Bible Study is starting back on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 8.00 pm in the Church.
Email emma.fawcett@irishmethodist.org for more information.
Forever Friends
This group meets fortnightly and has a varied programme of activities and outings, ranging from visiting llamas, trips to the botanical gardens, and soft archery in our grounds. It consists mainly of the retired members of our congregation but if you’re interested in joining in any of the activities you would be more than welcome.
Details of each event can be found on the weekly Church Announcement Sheet about two weeks prior to the event
Indoor Bowling

This group consists of three clubs. Two clubs cater for men & women who are retired and meet on Monday & Thursday mornings from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Our third club meets on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm.
We are currently paused due to COVID-19, but please get in contact if you are interested in knowing more.
Alzheimers / Dementia Social Club
The Social Club is for people with Alzheimers / dementia, their friends and families – all are welcome.
This social club, organised by the Alzheimer Society and members of Dundrum Methodist Church, provides an informal, flexible and fun opportunity for people with dementia and their carer or family member to meet others and engage in organised activities in a supported environment.
Dedicated members of the Alzheimer Society support each club meeting and facilitate the needs of the group.
The Church has free parking and wheel-chair access
We have not restarted this club since COVID-19. Please email us however, if you are in need of this support.
Food Bank
Our foodbank is run in conjunction with Crosscare and operates out of the church on Tuesday mornings.

There is a donation box available in the foyer of our building during opening hours.
About the Food Bank
Dundrum Methodist Church is proud to be working with the charity, Crosscare, to provide this vital service for our community.
Crosscare was established over seventy years ago and its primary function then was to address the effects of food poverty on the population. Crosscare established its Food Banking structure over thirty years ago and now annually diverts over 850 tonnes of food from landfill and redirects it to those most in need.
We often consider third world nations when talking about food hunger yet over 10% of people in Ireland are affected by food poverty, which means that they simply cannot afford to provide themselves and their families with the recommended daily amounts of food. People finding themselves at risk of food poverty include those living alone; families on low incomes; single parents and families with three or more children.
A Community Food Bank collects and stores food for distribution to individuals and/or families affected by food poverty within a local community. The aim is to provide quality, nutritional food to those identified as “in need”.
Although the primary aim is to provide food, information on rights and entitlements are shared with service users when appropriate in particular, when it is felt it could address the underlying social causes of hunger.
Our community run food bank is operating out of Dundrum Methodist Church and serves (although not exclusively) the areas of Dundrum, Ballinteer, Balally, Sandyford, Churchtown and Goatstown.
We work to resource and redistribute surplus food to those most in need in our local community. We also ask local groups to hold food drives to help. We then add our food drive collections to the Crosscare food parcels which are distributed once a week. At present we have 35 families coming each week.
Badminton Club
We don’t let the fact we don’t have a proper badminton court stop us! On Thursday evenings, 7-9pm, we line out a court and have some fun playing. Come and join us!
Eco-Congregation Ireland
Eco Congregation Ireland encourages Christians to adopt an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, community outreach and contact with the developing world. Find out more information from their website here.
Dundrum Climate Vigil
The weekly Friday morning vigil was started by a group of concerned local people, including parents and grandparents, who responded to the national and international schools’ climate strikes for a safe future. They decided to hold a regular vigil in Dundrum in support of the students’ demands, and to use it to raise local awareness of the global climate emergency. Read more here. © Dundrum Methodist Church.