Test run

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Mothering Sunday
Stephen will be preaching at both services from Matthew 2:11-21 focusing on the theme of Mothers Day.
Please note that Coffee/Tea is served for everyone between the services in the Upper Room. If you are attending the 11.30 service. Please com
e early to give yourself enough time.

  • Two services on 20 March at 10.00am and 11.30
  • The Ark, Kids Faith, Discussion Groups will be available at both services
  • Prayer Ministry will be provided at the end of both services
  • Tuesday Night Bible Study – Tuesday from 8pm – 9:15pm on Zoom and in person
  • Open Door – 10:30am in person in Upper Room on Thursdays. Supporting Daffodil Day 2022.
  • PrayerLine is open on 085 213 0078

Third Sunday of Lent:
Stephen is leading the 10am service and Gavin is leading the Elevate service at 11.30am
Both will be speaking on Exodus 3:1-15 – The Call of Moses.

The 10am service will include a time of remembrance and reflection for those who have suffered over the course of the pandemic. 

At Elevate we will focus in on God’s call of Moses, God’s name, and the aspect of his character it reveals, and God’s equipping, how he sends us out into the world equipped for the things that he calls us to do. It will be a family service.
Please note that Coffee/Tea is served for everyone between the services in the Upper Room. If you are attending the 11.30 service. Please come early to give yourself enough time.