We would love everyone to be involved in a Bible study group.

Meeting details for individual groups are included under “What on this week” on the Home Page.

To join a group please contact us using the form on the website.

Tuesday Night Bible Study

This weekly adult group is for anyone who wishes to engage in Bible study and lively discussion.

Young Adults Bible Study

This group is for students and young professionals.

During the term time we have a young adults Bible study on Tuesday evenings, hosted in a home near Balally luas stop. New people are welcome to join.

Youth Bible Study Group

During term time our youth pastor, Andrew, runs two Bible study groups for teenagers on Sunday.
Our younger Bible study is at 11:30am during the church service for teens in 6th class – 2nd year and our older Bible study is from 5-6pm at the church for teens in 3rd year – 6th year.

Training and Teaching

     Online Training


The Methodist Church in Ireland offers online learning and development courses