This Sunday at 10:00am and 11:30am both services will include Prayers for Healing and Holy Communion. Stephen will be reflecting on Exodus 15:26 “I am the Lord, who heals you.” 

Prayer ministry will be available during and after both services

This Sunday we are back to two services at 10am and 11:30am

Stephen will be preaching at both services on the theme “Planting Trees, Planting Churches,” looking at Psalm 1 and Jeremiah 17:7-8

This Fairtrade Fortnight, join us in spreading a simple message: Be Fair-Do Sustainable. Choose Fairtrade now and help save our favourite foods as well as farmers livelihoods, and the environment!

Did you know that in Ireland fifteen of the top 20 warmest years on record have occurred since 1990?

In the Tropics near the Equator, where most commodities like coffee, cocoa and bananas grow, ‘the hottest 5% of days are expected to warm by a further 20 percent than on the average day. This increased warming of extreme temperatures will have severe impacts on human health, ecosystems and wildfires across large parts of Africa, Asia and the Americas. (Dr. Michael Byrne, University of St Andrews)

As a result of this and other chaotic climate change impacts, communities growing these crops are being pushed to the brink and cocoa, bananas and coffee products could soon be much more difficult to find on our shelves!

Our neighbours and visitors are especially welcome to each of these services.

Thank you from the Eco Team

We would like to extend a huge “thank you” to those of you who attended the Eco Open Event on Saturday afternoon, 5 November . 
 In particular, we would like to thank Dianne for sharing her cookery expertise and tips on shopping wisely, to Suzy for guiding us through the psychology of decluttering, to David Percy for guiding people through energy tips and the energy kit and finally to those of you who helped out with car parking, welcoming the public, serving tea/coffee, preparing the rooms for the speakers and the general tidy up at the end.
There was a great buzz around the whole church building and we have received some very positive feedback from the community.
Well done everyone!