Our Irish Methodist family has been shocked to see the violent invasion of Ukraine and the heart-breaking plight of its people. Many in our congregation will wish to respond in some way.
We can do this through Irish Methodist World Relief and Development.
A Prayer for Peace was read last week. You can view it here.
We have been advised by those responding on the ground, that financial support is currently the priority (not material things, although partners will inform us should this change).
This will enable our sister churches to respond to refugee needs. They have already begun this.
Some funds can also be channelled to meet needs within Ukraine itself.
This financial support will be sent through our sister churches in the region.
WDR encourages Irish congregations to receive donations during the month of March and send all monies to WDR by the end of the month.
This is an emergency. Please do not delay in sending donations.
As time goes on, we can see what support is needed and where it is needed in the longer term.
Open this link to see how you can make a donation by bank transfer, or use this JustGiving link for the Ukraine Emergency Appeal.
NB – all donations, no matter how they are sent, must reference your church and UKRAINE.

We welcome the lifting of restrictions announced by an Taoiseach recently.
However, many people still feel vulnerable and unsure, and the risk of infection is not over.

At DMC, we will be relaxing restrictions gradually, while ensuring that people can feel safe when they participate in activities and services on site.
We will continue to require masks, sanitizing and ventilation at indoor gatherings. However, we will be allowing greater numbers into our church services and we hope to reintroduce tea and coffee at meetings, which will be a welcome return to normal life! 

The leaders of each church organisation will make their own assessment of the risks involved in their meetings and will take whatever steps they feel are necessary to keep everyone safe.
Andrew and myself are required by MCI to take weekly antigen tests as a precautionary measure.

Let us continue to pray for those who are still suffering from the impact of Covid on their lives.