As a community, we are dependent upon the generous worship of our members through giving and we want to use those resources to be part of God’s work. We thank you for each and every Euro that you intrust to us to use.

Ways of giving include Standing orders, Direct debits, Sunday service giving and ad hoc donations.

If you pay income tax and give more than €250 per year to the Methodist Church in Ireland, then we could claim tax relief on your gift, without costing you another cent.

Regular giving allows us to forecast future spends and missions.

Please use as a reference your Envelope number or Name so that the Church can continue to claim the Tax Relief under the Charitable Donation scheme.

IBAN: IE13AIBK93107108887978

Bank: AIB, Terenure Road East, Dublin 6
Sort code: 93-10-71
Account no: 0888 7978