Minister: Rev. Stephen Taylor

Youth Pastor: Andrew Mullen

Apart from our Sunday services we have many activities and events for all ages for our members and for the community where we are.
The Church building is always a hive of activity with many clubs, societies and groups using the premises.
You are sure of a good welcome every day of the week!


Open Door Coffee MorningWeekly Bible Study / Prayer GroupsGroups for Women
Groups for MenFor Men and WomenForever Friends
Alzheimers / Dementia Social ClubAre you OK? R U O KDundrum Food Bank
Badminton ClubEco-Congregation IrelandDundrum Climate Vigil

Open Door Coffee Morning

Thursday mornings 10:00 – 12:00
Tea/Coffee & home bakes in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Everyone welcome!

Weekly Bible Study / Prayer Groups

Bible Study Groups

Bible study groups have all resumed as normal after the summer. If you would like to join one of the groups please contact us for more information.

  • Tuesday – 8pm – In the church
  • Tuesdays – 7.30pm – 20’s and 30’s group in various houses
  • Discussion groups are available during the 10am service for teenagers
Prayer Groups
  • 7.30pm Tuesday evening in the Youth Room
  • 8.30am Thursday morning in prayer room ‘Parents in Touch’ praying for children in school
  • Mums in Prayer MIP Thursday 9-10am
  • 10.30am Sunday mornings (prayer for church services – initially only on the 3rd Sunday of each month)
  • We have a team of people of pray for anything you need. Please text or call 0860644396 or write it in the prayer request book in our foyer.
  • We have a permanent prayer room at the top of the stairs which you are free to use whenever the building is open!

‘In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God’.
Philippians 4: 6

Groups for Women


This group meets monthly in homes or takes a trip out. Details of the next event will be posted shortly

Women’s Fellowship / M.W.I.

Meets on last Wednesday of the month in the Upper Room (at church)

Groups for Men

Men’s Fellowship Walks
Keep an eye here for our next walk

For Men & Women

Dundrum Methodist Indoor Bowling Group

This group consists of three clubs. Two clubs cater for men & women who are retired and meet on Monday & Thursday mornings from 11.00 to 1.00. Our third club meets on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 to 10.00. New members welcome. Please contact Fraser or Margaret Pelley (4934650).

Forever Friends

This group meets monthly and has a varied programme of activities and outings. It consists mainly of the retired members of our congregation but if you’re interested in joining in any of the activities you would be more than welcome.

Details of each event can be found on the weekly Church Announcement Sheet about two weeks prior to the event.

Alzheimers / Dementia Social Club

The Social Club is for people with Alzheimers / dementia, their friends and families – all are welcome.

The Club is a social gathering where people can chat, access information and support, meet other people as well as to exchange ideas and experiences. The Club, organised by the Alzheimer Society, runs activities and  provides an informal, flexible and fun opportunity for people with dementia and their carer or family member to meet others in a supported environment. More information here.

Are you OK? R U O K

R U O K is a mechanism to support a lifestyle of serving each other in God’s family.

RUOK is not a group of people. It is a mechanism for any of us to use at any time to help and support each other in our Christian walk through the struggles of this life as part of God’s family. If you become a giver, you can choose to give if and whenever you want, or not. More information here.

Dundrum Food Bank

Dundrum Methodist Church is proud to be working with the charity, Crosscare, to provide this vital service for our community.

Donations for the foodbank are very welcome at present.

They may be dropped off on  Mondays 4-6pm
There is also a basket in the church foyer any time the Church is open.
More information here.

Badminton Club

We don’t let the fact we don’t have a proper badminton court stop us! On Thursday evenings, 7-9pm, we line out a court and have some fun playing. Come and join us!

Eco-Congregation Ireland

Eco Congregation Ireland encourages Christians to adopt an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, community outreach and contact with the developing world. Find out more information from their website here.

Dundrum Climate Vigil

The weekly Friday morning vigil was started by a group of concerned local people, including parents and grandparents, who responded to the national and international schools’ climate strikes for a safe future. They decided to hold a regular vigil in Dundrum in support of the students’ demands, and to use it to raise local awareness of the global climate emergency.  Read more here. © Dundrum Methodist Church.



All the information is here.