Here are some resources that may be useful during the Covid-19 crisis
The Methodist Church in Ireland Website has many useful Prayer and Service resources on their Covid-19 page.
However, some of them need to be updated.
The Bible online has the widest range of bible translations in English.
It includes some audio versions – for example David Suchet, the British actor reads the NIVUK version and Max McLean, the American actor reads the NIV[Amercian] version.
The version at has the same NIV [Anerican] translation read by Max McLean.
A smartphone app from Youversion includes several translations, most of them with an audio version too.
Bible Study Aids
The Bible Society Study Guide A good combination of summaries, dictionary definitions of difficult words, etc.
Video Guides
The Fuller Seminary has 4-5 minute YouTube video introductions to most books of the Bible. For example, Amos. Others can be found in Google by searching for Fuller YouTube Genesis, Fuller YouTube Matthew, and so on,
The Bible Project website has animated introductions to the books of the Bible
If you have any suggestions, please use our Contact Form – we would be glad to hear from you.