Two Services 10.00 and 11.30, both lead by Arun Kumar
As a church, we welcome the lifting of restrictions in the hopeful expectation that the worst effects of the pandemic are behind us and that the risk of serious illness following infection is considerably reduced.
However, we are also mindful that a small risk remains, and that there may be vulnerable people attending church worship and other activities.
In keeping with Government advice and MCI guidelines, DMC will observe the following:
- Face coverings are not mandatory, but are encouraged, especially while moving around the building.
- Regular hand washing/sanitising is encouraged
- Seating will be spaced out around the hall, but people are free to move chairs closer together as they feel comfortable
- Rooms will be ventilated with an open window
- Catering of food and drink is permitted
- Leaders of church groups will determine what measures should be in place for their activity
As ever, please do not attend church meetings if you are feeling unwell or have tested positive for Covid in the last 7 days.