- Sunday Worship at 10:00am and 11.30am.
- Ark, Kids Faith and Discussion Group on during the services.
- Prayer Ministry will be provided at the end of each service.
- Tuesday Bible Study 8.00 – 9.15pm in the Youth Room.
- Young Adults Bible Study – Tuesday at 8pm at the McAdoo’s. Contact Kirstie McAdoo for more details.
- Open Door (Tea/ Coffee, chat and treats) – Thursday at 10:30am in the Upper Room.
- Mums in prayer – Thursday mornings 9:30 – 10:30am in the Youth Room. Contact Linda for more details.
- Badminton – Thursday at 7pm.
- Friday Prayer 7.00am – 7.30 on Zoom
Dates for your diary and happenings elsewhere:
- Daffodil Day at Open Door to raise money for the Irish Cancer Society. Thursday 23 March
- Meet and Greet for Newcomers – Saturday 25 March for new church attenders.
- Service of Remembrance – Sunday 26 March 7.00pm Open to all who have been bereaved, remembering in particular those members of our Church community who have died in the past year
- Irish Methodist Youth and Children – Time for Lent (download of family resources)
- Egg-citement! – An Easter Adventure. Good Friday 7 April – for families with children aged 0-12 years
More details in the Church Newsletter / Weekly email.