Regular notices
- Sunday service at 10:00am and 11:30am
- Ark, Kids Faith and Discussion Group will be provided during the services.
- Tea and coffee will be served in between the services.
- Please note – Children will be served from a separate table away from the main hatch
- Prayer Ministry will be provided at the end of the services.
- Tuesday Bible Study – Tuesdays in the Upper Room at 8.00pm. All welcome
- Young Adults Bible Study – Tuesday 8pm at the McAdoo’s house
- Wednesday monthly prayer meeting in the Upper Room 8.00pm. All welcome
- Open Door – Thursdays from 10:30am – 12pm in the Upper Room.
- Badminton – Thursdays at 7pm.
- Friday morning prayer meeting – Fridays at 7am-7:30am on Zoom
40 Days of Prayer — Friday Prayer 12 noon – 1pm in the Prayer Room.